Training & Mentoring

The key factor  for training success is the staff and methodology, we are experts creating personalized training for your specific needs, we know what is important and have extensive experience on how to teach in a collaborative, creative, and practical form complex topics to maximize the productivity of your team and the return of your investment. 

Available topics for Standard Classes

Capacitación Foto

The following are some of the covered topics by our specialists: 

  • Kotlin/JavaFX/Groovy - Language and Platform for the agile mobile & multiplatform web applications
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design with UML
  • Java EE Development, Integration 
  • Agile Web Applications Development with Java frameworks:    Zk or Jpro
  • Agile Mobile Applications development with JavaFX and mobile frameworks: Including creation of advanced mobile apps for Native Android platforms and Neutral Web Apps for IOS & Android
  • Cloud Native/REST/Event Oriented /SOA for executives
  • Kubernetes for JavaEE developers
  • Apache kafka for infrastructure and developers (streams, connectors)
  • Apache Camel 

Additionally in our SmartERP Business/idempiere area we offer:

  • Basic System Operation
  • Administration 1
  • Administration 2
  • Inventory processes,
  • Buying, selling and billing
  • Financial collection and revenues.
  • ERP accounting issues.
  • SmartRetail/ERP - Integrated Implementation
  • Development level 1,2
  • And many more...

Many of these contents are also provided in remote format (virtually), with support from our instructors and using LMS services from our cloud platform (Cloud Computing).

Through this new option you will be able to access a collaborative and personalized learning creative environment for Latin American environment from the comfort of your home or work and with the support of specialists with global experience.

Specialized Seminars and Conferences

Additional to the standard courses, our consultants are experts in delivering standard or  virtual conferences (webinars) customized to your needs, this option has been successful to deliver topics related with innovation and promoting products and services. 

Implementation of Collaborative LMS Platforms

As part of our high-quality open source portfolio, the SmartJSP team also implements and integrates virtual learning platforms: LMS (Learning Management Systems). 

Solutions tested and ready , complying with open standards such as: SCORM, IMS-LD, to be productive in a very short time and in any modality of implementation:  Software as a Service, Cloud Computing or Standard configuration using customer Data Centers.


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