We integrate extended language models (LLM) such as Llama2, ChatGPT, Falcon and many more, into the business environment, everything in a secure and sustainable way with stable and robust technologies coming from the Java EE ecosystem.

These models allow tasks to be automated, with a more "human" language and interaction with the customers; Through applications that "inject the knowledge/context of the company/business model" such as RAG (retrieval augmented generation), it is possible to personalize and reuse the maximum amount of knowledge and maximize the customer service and process automation experience. .


In addition to integrations with LLM in the cloud, we also offer, local AI engines (open source) for companies with high regulation on security/privacy issues, allowing maximum privacy control and secure interconnection with documentary data sources, integrations with existing systems (direct access through web services, integration buses or flexible frameworks for customization and extensions, as well as custom training the model and executing actions in external applications.

In our case, this integration is offered with robust frameworks based on the enterprise Java ecosystem (Java, Kotlin, Grrovy, etc.), being able to choose options between: Spring IA and LangChain4J.

By integrating with this platform, it is possible to reuse all the features, frameworks and tools available for integration, which are already available in free software models in our portfolio, from messaging such as: Apache Kafka, app integration with Redhat quarkus, Apache camel , WS02 microintegrator and many more.

Some examples/use cases, to simplify tasks, may be:

-PQR attention, informative chat

-Documentary processing

-Improvement in customer service and many more


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