Our E-book: Idempiere First Steps is a practical and agile overview of the key business processes for Small/Middle size businesses using Idempiere ERP and SmartERP (core processes tested in version 10). We have created it using a chapter/lesson approach that allow to use the topic of your interest and copy the pdf files in your devices (laptop, tablet, mobile devices) or distribute them with your friends/communities.    

  1. Introduction
  2. Login and Navigation
  3. Client/Tenant Creation
  4. Organizations and Roles
  5. Company Financial Management
  6. Business Partner Basics
  7. Material Management
  8. Product Management
  9. Procurement Management
  10. Sales Management
  11. Payments and receivables
  12. Production and Agile Manufacturing

Note por Small Business owners: Keep in mind ERP solutions are usually oriented to middle size/large companies with well defined processes, so  though this simplified approach allow small business or individuals to use these best practices, if you start to grow or your business require more complex operations/customizations/integrations (normal in middle size implementations) consulting services are usually required.  For that we suggest to look someone close to your country or industry within the Idempiere community of consultants or the Idempiere forums.


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